Show page Old revisions Backlinks Rename Page Copy this page Welcome to - the wiki about Working Out Loud! The idea behind this wiki is to provide the growing #WOL community with a collaboration platform where everyone from the community (whether newcomers or old hands) can create and share content together. The wiki is open to everyone interested in WOL - except spammers. WOL-Circle You want to participate in a WOL Circle and are looking for like-minded people? Then fill-in yourself in the list for Circle Interested (en / international) people. By the way, you don't have to register but can edit the page directly. For further information Under material you will find the Circle Guides and templates for the Relationship List. You can also watch videosabout Working Out Loud, from short introduction to keynotes. If you prefer to listen, check out the podcasts. And if you want to read more about WOL, we can recommend many good blogs and blog posts. We also have a collection of images and sketchnotes about Working Out Loud. Looking for Tools? Here you find video conferencing software for WOL-Circles, communication tools for the time between the meetings as well as other useful tools for lists and tasks. Communities If you would like to interact with the WOL community, e. g. to learn more about how other companies started out with Working Out Loud, have specific questions or just want to share your success, there are different communities to start with. Explain WOL Have You ever been asked what Working Out Loud is exactly? This page could help You with best answers: explain_wol Create / edit content in the Yourself? You're welcome! This wiki is open to everyone interested in WOL! If you click on the "register" button in the upper right corner, you can create a user account for the and then edit or add your own pages and content. If you are not sure about something, check out the Wiki documentation of DokuWiki or ask Magnus Rode. First try it out? Then go to the playground. [ close ] Enable Complex Tables Editor Height px Turn supplementary image paste support on Edit summary: Minor changes Please fill all the letters into the box to prove you're human. Please keep this field empty: