Table of Contents


en:These are links to videos about Working Out Loud.

de: Diese Seite enthält Links zu Videos über Working Out Loud.

br: Aqui você encontra links para vídeos relacionados ao Working Out Loud. (maioria do conteúdo disponível em inglês e alemão)

see also:


WOL-Playlist:Working Out Loud - Playlist (curated by / gepflegt durch / curado por Magnus Rode)

- en: good start to learn more about WOL

- de: ein guter Start, um mehr über WOL zu erfahren

- br: um bom ponto para aprender mais sobre WOL

John Stepper

"What is Working Out Loud?" by John Stepper

"What is Working Out Loud?" by John Stepper (3:53 min)

TED Video John Stepper

TED Video John Stepper (9:50 min)
Starting a movements - basic introduction into WOL by John Stepper - May 2016

Keynotes by John Stepper

John Stepper’s Keynote on #WOLC17 event in Stuttgart (32:36 min) John Stepper explains why WOL is so helpful in our times - Dec. 2017

Keynote John Stepper at ZF Group (57:32 min) - Oct. 2017


Was ist Working Out Loud? (mit Katharina Krentz, Sabine Kluge und Lukas Fütterer)
(5:15 min) Kurz und knapp erklärt von Katharina Krentz, Sabine Kluge und Lukas Fütterer, Juli 2017

Katharina Krentz, Bosch

Isabel de Clercq

Social Technologies in Business - Interview Katharina Krentz Robert Bosch

(27:09 min) Interview with Katharina Krentz (Bosch) by Isabel de Clercq. Isabel ask questions like “What are the business advantages of social?”, “What is the role played by Community Managers?”, “What kind of training sessions did she set up?”, Sep. 2017

Gabriel Rath

Video Interview über #ESN, Kulturwandel und #WOL

Offener WOL Circle #CL2025 (de)

Offener WOL-Circle aus #CL2025
Video: Offener Working Out Loud Circle (cl2025 Lerngruppe)
Podcasts und zusätzliche Informationen:
mit Karl-Heinz Pape, Harald Schirmer, Simon Dückert, Winfried Felser und Antje Rüwer. Hier können sich Interessierte anschauen, wie die WOL Circle-Meetings ablaufen. Harald Schirmer und Simon Dückert geben wertvolle Hinweise zu den Übungen, die auch für angehende Facilitator interessant sind. Mai - Okt. 2017


Anne France Mariacher Martinez (en)

Social Networking Cliches - WOL (1:17 min) Anne France Mariacher Martinez says it is a video “used to tease and promote WOL in our company). First the cliches - then all covered by the five elements of WOL. Jan. 2018

Working Out Loud Circles: (2:01 min) - visualized text without audio

Working Out Loud Circles - week 8: (1:14 min)

Herbert Just

Erfahrungsbericht Karl-Heinz Pape (2:54 min) Karlheinz Pape berichtet von seinen Erfahrungen, Sep. 2017

Elmar Schmidt und Herbert Just(2:43 min) Elmar SchmidtundHerbert Justberichten, Sep. 2017

Marie Mieschner

What happens in 12 weeks of #WorkingOutLoud?

ZF Group

Interview mit John Stepper

Live recording of John Stepper @ ZF Group - Sept. 2017

Keynote John Stepper at ZF Group (57:32 min) - Oct. 2017

VINCI Energies (Moritz Meißner & Magnus Rode)

Working Out Loud bei VINCI Energies Deutschland (3:39 min) - Mai 2018



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