====== Video conferencing tools for WOL / Videokonferenz-Lösungen ====== * Skype for Business (#Skype4B) * Microsoft Teams (#MSTeams) - http://teams.microsoft.com * Skype * Google Hangout * https://appear.in * Jitsi - https://meet.jit.si (Desktop-Sharing with Chrome AddIn: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/jitsi-meetings/kglhbbefdnlheedjiejgomgmfplipfeb) * Zoom.us * ... ====== communication between meetings / Kommunikation zwischen den Treffen ====== * Yammer (see [[:communities|Working Out Loud Communities]]) * Microsoft Teams (#MSTeams) - [[http://teams.microsoft.com|http://teams.microsoft.com]] * Microsoft OneNote - best integrated in Teams * IBM Connections * Workplace for Facebook (ask Simon Fogg: [[http://srjf.blogspot.com/2017/11/invitation-to-be-part-of-wol-circle.html|http://srjf.blogspot.com/2017/11/invitation-to-be-part-of-wol-circle.html]]) * Connectle - [[https://connectle.mn.co|https://connectle.mn.co]] (ask Mara Tolja) * Google docs - L[[https://www.google.de/intl/de/docs/about/|INK]] * APPLE Zusammenarbeit - [[https://support.apple.com/de-de/ht206181#edit|LINK]] ====== other tools for lists and tasks / weitere Tools für Listen und Aufgaben ====== * Microsoft ToDo (for yourself) * Microsoft Planner (open for your team - best integrated in MS Teams) * Microsoft OneNote * Atlassian Trello - [[https://trello.com|LINK]] * Padlet - [[https://de.padlet.com/|https://de.padlet.com/]] * Google Docs * … ====== tool collection of lernOS ====== * **Web Conferencing** like Skype for Business, Skype, Zoom, GoToMeeting, Circuit * **Instant Messengers** like Threema, MS Teams, Slack, WhatsApp, WeChat, Telegram, Signal, RocketChat * **Enterprise Social Networks** like Jive, Yammer, Connections, Lithium, Workplace by Facebook * **Personal Notebooks** like OneNote, Evernote, TiddlyWiki, Etherpad * **File Hosting Services** like Dropbox, OneDrive, Google Drive, OwnCloud * **Task Management Services** like Trello, Microsoft ToDo, Microsoft Planner * **Mind Mapping Software** like XMind, Freemind, MindManager, iThoughts, MindMeister * **Weblog Software** like Wordpress, Tumblr (source: https://github.com/simondueckert/lernos/blob/master/lernOS%20mi%20Guide%20-%20en/lernOS-mi-Guide-en.pdf / https://github.com/simondueckert/lernos/blob/master/lernOS%20mi%20Guide%20-%20en/lernOS-mi-Guide-en.md by Simon Dückert) ====== further read ====== also see [[material|]]